It’s been a busy time at Farfield Mill recently. We have been organising a Stash Sale which means we have invited artists and craftspeople to hire a table to sell any beads, wool, fabric, weaving equipment etc that they no longer want. It takes place this Sunday July 16th and it’s also been a good opportunity to clear out the cupboards at the mill. Three of us spent all Friday sorting out one of the cupboards. Most of it will go into the sale, some was given to two of our new resident artists who upcycle garments and recycle fabric and some of it went in the skip!
As well as this, I am getting ready for my exhibition at the mill which opens on Aug. 3rd. A friend of mine is coming up from Manchester to help me hang it. It’s going to be quite a rush as we are going to a wedding in Derby on the Sunday before but most of my paintings are now being framed so I think I’ll be ready. Here’s one of them. It is of a quiet place by the river near my studio