It’s been a busy week. We are having our attic decorated which is where we house Graham’s collection of crime novels. There are hundreds of them which were on shelves covering two walls and they all had to be moved!
I also spent a couple of days in Leeds, as my Brother-in-law had open heart surgery on Monday and I wanted to be with my sister when he came out. He looks fine but we are trying to convince him that he’s got to take it easy!
The weather’s been glorious and so I made sure I spent a bit of time in the garden and allotment. The daffodils are looking wonderful. I’ve put a table just outside the conservatory door with all my bulbs on it so we can see them from the kitchen. I call it our Nature Table! The lemon trees are in flower and we have several lemons. They’re not as good as two years ago when we had over 70 lemons on one tree, but enough for a few gin and tonics!!