We’re in Manchester now for a short while as the allotment needs some attention. It’s in a very sorry state after being flooded but we managed to spend some on it over the weekend, so it looks better than it did! We’re trying to decided whether to invest in some sturdy, ready-cut raised beds or whether to go without them. Unless you make them yourself (as we’ve always done in the past) they can be very expensive. We’ve been told of some local stables where we can get manure for free which is ready to put straight on to the soil, so I think we’ll do that for now.
The weather is about to change for the worst so, I’ll get back to my windowsill studies. The sills here in our Manchester house aren’t as deep as in Farfield so I’m mainly painting the view. As you can see, it’s very different from the one out of my Farfield studio window but there are still lovely, big trees.