A few weeks ago our friend, Gill, phoned up out of the blue and invited us to spend a week with her in her villa in Puglia, Southern Italy. We went 2 years ago and it is glorious, so we jumped at the chance.
As you have to fly from Stansted, which is a long trek from here, we decided to spend an extra week driving around Puglia, staying in hotels. We explored lots of places and had a great time with good food and drink. There were 10 of us staying at the villa which was hectic but fun. Graham enjoyed shopping and cooking for everyone and I enjoyed painting.
In that area of Puglia the houses have pointed conical roofs which are called Trullis. It has become a bit of a status symbol to have a house with a trulli, the more the better. Gill’s villa has two. Here’s a drawing of a part of her villa showing the trullis and another of a view from a nearby town. It is very flat in this area but there were fields of poppies which looked glorious.