It was my birthday last week and in several of the cards from my friends in the South there were comments about the snow in Cumbria! I can’t say that snow has been a problem but the wind and rain has!! My sister and brother-in-law visited on Saturday from Leeds and decided to come by train to Garsdale instead of driving across country in the dark. When we took them back for the 7.15 train we were told there were no more trains to Leeds because the signals were out of action. As they needed to get home that evening it meant a mad dash to Oxenholme station which is in the other direction from Sedbergh and along very wet, stormy, winding, hilly roads. Fortunately they made the train in time but I’m not sure they’ll be visiting in the Winter again for a while! We were pretty exhausted too as we’d been driving for over 2 hours and it meant I missed ‘Strictly’!!
It feels like it has been raining for weeks but I have been happy in my studio painting the winter trees.