I don’t know where May went and now we’re half way through June. It’s been a busy time on the allotment and in the garden. Everything is growing madly and with the recent torrential rain the slugs have been eating madly too! They ate all my lettuce seedlings just as I was about to start harvesting them. Last week, Graham watered the allotment with nematodes so I hope this next batch of seedlings will survive.
Our usual weekly class of yoga was cancelled for 5 weeks and so that gave me more time to get on with the gardening. My yoga group is made up of ex. textile students and lecturers and we all love flowers and spend a lot of time talking about our gardens. When there was no yoga we emailed each other photos of what was happening in our gardens. These beautiful tulips were on the steps of my studio in The Yorkshire Dales. At least the slugs didn’t get to them!!